Summer Party Cleanup Tips

Summer Party Cleanup Tips

As family and friends gather this summer for barbecues, picnics and parties, there will be plenty of memories being made and waste being produced. Each year, Americans throw away enough garbage every day to fill 63,000 garbage trucks, which if lined up end to end for an entire year would stretch half way to the moon.

Now that summer is finally in full swing, here are some ways for disposing of, reducing, reusing and recycling waste for your barbecue or picnic.

Beverage Disposal

Empty beer and wine bottles, cans, and plastic water bottles are all 100% recyclable.  Have a recycling bin available so guests remember to recycle their empties.

Remember that plastic Solo cups are not recyclable.  They are made from number 6 plastic, or polystyrene, which is not accepted in your curbside recycling.  If you choose to have Solo cups at your cookout, keep a marker available so guests can write their names on the cups and not waste them. 

Fireworks and the Environment

Fourth of July celebrations alone contribute 42% more air pollution across the U.S. on the holiday. If you choose to set off your own fireworks any time this summer be sure the dispose of them correctly to avoid any harm to the individuals who handle your waste and the environment.

Forks, Plates, and More

Once paper plates are covered with pulled pork and potato salad, they are no longer recyclable.  When the food sits on the plate, it soils the paper fibers, making it impossible to remove. It will contaminate an entire load of recyclable materials when mixed in.  Remember to throw used paper plates and napkins in the garbage.  Most plastic silverware is also made of number 6 plastic; therefore, it must be thrown in the garbage.  Don’t forget, composting is a great alternative to throwing food scraps in the garbage.